Against all provisions of laws ::: Forest residential colonies, rest houses, offices spruced out in reserved forest of Pune city. Rajendra Mangarulkar and AK Nigam, both IFS officers of Maharashtra cadre involved in criminal violations of Forest Conservation Act & IFA. State of Maharashtra promoted them. Huge financial irregularities committed by them in illegal constructions of such colonies. All relevant papers such as estimates, plans, vouchers & permissions are not available (stolen) in offices. No complaint filed with police by any officer under pressure from duo…..

08.08.2011 · Posted in All

Before we start understanding the actual story, let us understand that even forest department requires permission under FC Act 1980 for using forest land for non-forestry purpose such as construction of office building , rest houses and residential building. Generally, when Principal Chief Conservator of Forests wants to save his  right hand men involved in such violations, he may take a line that  provisions of FC Acts are not applicable on Forest officers  violating the provisions of FC Acts, as if they are above the law. Hence he would not recommend any action viz,. criminal or administrative against them. But if officer involved is not to his liking, he may recommend action against such officer for violation of FC Act, in whose case every other officers including the then serving PCCF said that it was not violation of FC Act.

Example: Construction of Forest office complex in Pune on reserved forest:

  1. For construction of administrative office building and rest houses for forest department in 2.08 ha Reserved forest in Village Bhamurda, S. No. 97 , Compartment no. 173, Bhamurda Forest Range, Government of Maharashtra has accorded administrative approval on 28-3-2011 vide its GR No. EST-2011/CR 50/F-9. This administrative approval has been given for Rs 24,29,33,000/- .
  2. As it is statutory  requirement of FC Act 1980 that even for construction of any building required by Forest department for residence or office or rest house, prior approval of Government of India is required under the provision of section 2 of Forest Conservation Act 1980, hence State Government has submitted a proposal for clearance of this above said construction to Government of India vide Nodal officer letter no. Desk-17/NC/II/2488/10-11 dated 11-11-2010 and further on 09/12/2010.
  3. Government of India has accorded in principle approval vide it’s letter dated 15-12-2010 with certain conditions , one amongst them was that
  • Compensatory Afforestation shall be taken up over 4.16 ha suitable degraded forest land, at the cost of user agency.
  • The Government of India has finally given approval under section 2 of FC Act 1980 vide its letter dated 26-4-2011.

Thus, it become very clear that even for Forest department and their buildings provisions of FC Act are applicable.

Now look here a case where FC Act had been blatantly violated by Rajendra Masngarulkar and AK Nigam both IFS officers of Maharashtra cadre, whereby they have constructed complete residential complex, a rest house, which is being used by Social Forestry though constructed as a residential purpose during 1997 to 2001 when Rajendra Mangarulkar was DCF Pune and AK Nigam was CF Pune, without obtaining any permission of Government of India under section 2 of FC Act 1980 or any other permission required under state laws, which are required for lawfull constructions. Not only this they had cleared the land, broken the land, illegal felling of trees for construction of such complex in reserve forest. Thus, both of them along with others involved officers, must be booked for violation of Indian Forest Act, FC Act and other Municipal laws.


Illegal & unauthorised residential colony & Rest house  at Bhamurda, Gokhale Nagar, Pune


  1. As per information submitted by PIO, in Conservator of Pune’s office dated 4-7-2011, during 1997 to 2001 total of  10 residential units, one rest house and one RFO office  were constructed  during 1997-20011 (Mangarulkar’s tenure) in reserve forest  compartment no. 173, Survey no. 94, Bhamurda Round,  Range Bhamurda, Pune division.
  2. As per information provided by the PIO , no permission of Government of India was obtained for such construction under FC Act 1980. Thus Mangarulkar has become primaface guilty  for prosecution under provisions of FC Act.
  3. As this colony and office is situated in heart of the city and well within the limit of Pune municipal corporation; but PIO has informed  vide his letter dated 20-7-2011 that neither :
    • building plan was sanctioned by the PMC, nor any commencement certificate had been issued ,
    • nor completion certificate has been issued,
    • nor any occupancy certificate had been issued for any above said constructed building.
  1. Very surprisingly , PIO has informed that Maps and estimates, plans , vouchers etc  of above said impugned buildings are not available in the office. (It seems those have been stolen by the interested parties.). But the office has not lodged any FIR in this case.

Misappropriation of sale amount of trees:

  1. As the area where such construction was taken place comes under dense forest area, there was removal of lots of trees and vegetation while clearing places for construction. The  PIO has informed that no record is available for  felling of such trees. Also it seems that entire money of timber sale had been misappropriated by officials involved in this corruption case.
  2. When asked whether as per approved working plan of the forest such felling was done, answer of the PIO is again  evasive. He says that no records are available in this regard.

Illegal & unauthorized residential colony & Rest house  at Wanavadi, Pune in reserved forest :

In reserve forest of Pune  Forest division,  compartment no. 49, Beat –Hadapsar,  Round-Loni Kalbhor, Range-Pune;  a total of 18 buildings were constructed without any sanction under FC Act, IFA, and other prevailing Municipal laws in the year between 1997-2000. ( Article in Sakal is attached ).

  1. Out of these 18 buildings there were three units of type I, one unit of type II, & one unit of type IV, six units of Type-V, six units of Type-VI . Social forestry department has also constructed one type VI building , which they are using as rest house.
  2. According to information provided by PIO, Pune division dated 1-7-2011, no sanction under FC Act 1980 has been obtained  for such construction.
  3. Further according to PIO , no permissions have been obtained from PMC for commencement certificate, completion certificate, and occupancy certificate. According to him, no such records are available with office.
  4. Very surprisingly, according to him not even plans and estimates are available with the office of such construction. Thus one thing is very clear that all the relevant documents/evidences of the such very serious violations are removed or stolen.

Now lets see how actual corruption was done by Rajendra Mangarulkar:

The estimates prepared by Mangarulkar for the projects were based on DSR of PWD. We know it that CSR  has been designed and fixed keeping in mind profit of Contractors and some other money, which is required to facilitate government functioning. Meaning thereby that DSR is always 30% plus on  actual cost of construction. But Mangarulkar has not issued any tender for it so that the same work could have been completed after due competition and on much less cost. He has got it constructed  on piece-meal manner and charged  the vouchers without calling for due competition. Thus he had caused wrongful loss to the government with the help of AK Nigam, the then CF, Pune, who was his controlling officer. It had been brought to the notice of CIM that lots of money had been spent on it through non-plan funds, which itself was irregular.


Now an example of How Ashok Khadse, IFS was charge sheeted for alleged violation of FC Act, which according to Prakash Thosare the then CCF Pune and BK Singh, PCCF  was not a case of FC Act violation. PCCF rates Khadse to be an outstanding officer for the same job…


On an alleged case of Private Public Participation of the year 2002, where a forest area was given on lease to a private party for greening the are as per GOI’s norm, Khadse was charge-sheeted vide memo dated 19-4-2010.

Important points here are that Prakash Thosare , who was CCF Pune told the PCCF vide his letter dated 13-10-2005 that there is no violation of FC Act in this case.

Further, if we peruse the ACR of the Ashok Khadse for the relevant period, his ACR has valued this case  and reporting officer had found them in order; and accepting authority had  also noted specifically that there was no violation of FC ACT. Further, PCCF had rated Khadse to be an outstanding officer on this count alone that he had done a wonderful job.

Thus, Khadse  to be charge sheeted for making forest area green , where there was no blade of grass earlier  as per CCF report, and plus posting to Mangarulkar and Nigam, who had illegally deforested the green lungs of the polluted city like Pune…  for misappropriation of funds ……WONDERFUL…

Now we have to see how present PCCF take this case of extreme violation of FC Act.

Action needed in the matter:

  1. Rajendra Mangarulkar and other involved officers must be charge sheeted for this blatant violation of FC Act and financial irregularities.
  2. FIR should be lodged for theft of relevant documents and evidences under IPC.
  3. Illegal constructions should be demolished and loss to be government be charged to guilty officers.

19 Responses to “Against all provisions of laws ::: Forest residential colonies, rest houses, offices spruced out in reserved forest of Pune city. Rajendra Mangarulkar and AK Nigam, both IFS officers of Maharashtra cadre involved in criminal violations of Forest Conservation Act & IFA. State of Maharashtra promoted them. Huge financial irregularities committed by them in illegal constructions of such colonies. All relevant papers such as estimates, plans, vouchers & permissions are not available (stolen) in offices. No complaint filed with police by any officer under pressure from duo…..”

  1. APCCF nagpur says:

    Though this comment is not related to this article, but I request administrator to publish it to make it known in IFS circle that how hypocrates are our IFS officers. In IFS group of gmail, it is coming that Pradeep Kumar has done so much for the cadre that he is being congratulated. Do we remember that the same officers including present officer bearers of IFS association were hurling all expeltives of hindi dictionary to Pradeep Kumar and Kakodakar including mothers’ abuses.

    Now since Pradeep Kumar is in Maharashtra sadan so just to get accommodation there , look how have they changed their words. Shame on them. Why can not you change your characters and become nice to everybody. Why could not you see when Pradeep was working in adverse conditions? It is far sure that during his tenure he had done nothing which requires congratulations. What had he done so that history will remember Pradeep Kumar…MR President ?

    Further Billi ke bhagya se Jheenka phoota. When GOI pressurised Maharashtra government through Union Forest Minister, cadre promotion took place. What had they done in this whole affairs. Rest every thing is left for our cadremates to understand themselves.

    • Boss of Bosses says:

      He who believes that Pradeep Kumar will do reservation in Maharashtra sadan for any of his coleague, must be a fool. He spoiled the Mantralaya and will spoil Maharashtra sadan.

  2. Another APCCF says:

    This wonderful website is a extremely effective forum for bringing out so much of items , which require our urgent attention. But administrator of the website should allow comments only , if those are related with subject. Otherwise, this forum would also become a place for mudslinging.

  3. Boss of Forest officers says:

    If Khadse’s charge sheet be given on such issues, which is nicely explained by Thosare Sir, then Mangarulkar must be hanged.

    • Boss of Boss of Forest officers says:

      Are yaar….who is HOFF . Mangarulkar you sleep with all comforts. So many officers are involved hence no action.

  4. Social Foresrty officer, Pune says:

    Sir, now enough is enough. Take action in the matter to dispel groupism. On merit , these officers are really to be charge sheeted. It shameful that no action is seen publicly in any of the matter listed on this researched website.

  5. Dear Readers,
    We have now blocked all the comments , which are not related with the topic. Hence so many comments are not appearing . You will appreciate that otherwise this will erode purpose for which this website has been created.

  6. hemant chhajed says:

    A huge constructions on reserve forest without approval of Govt. of India .the criminal prosecution must be submitted to regional c.c.f. as per g.o. dated 01st Oct 2003 by nodal officer,M.S.Nagpur. IT is a joint organized crime of all concern I.F.S. from last 30 years in Maharastra. they may not need any permission for doing anything.they may purchase a chair of one lakh rupees.and purchase anything for their pets also.please verify dead stock registers from 1980-81 till today, you will find so many miracles……

  7. Anna Hazare's supporter says:

    After going through Anna’s letter to Prime Minister, it comes to every ones mind that Hey Mr Joshi, You are 59 year, life has given you everything. You are sitting on Forest department’s highest position in Maharashtra. What more do you need in this life ? Kindly take action against corrupt officers of your department. So many evidences in public domain. So much of comments on every article. Still tell everybody whom do you fear ? Jain Hind..Jain Hind, Jai Hind

    • CCF but Anna Hazare's supporter says:

      Waah…it is the best comment I have gone through.. Absolutely true and on bull’s eye.

  8. Another Anna Hazare's supporter says:

    Yes, Joshi saheb, earlier supporter is very right. I also agree with him. Kindly start action.

  9. another Another Anna Hazare's supporter says:

    vande mataram… Joshi saheb, alias Manmohan Singhji … who is Sonia gandhiji in your case ? Take action in the matters appeared on this forum. What more evidences do you require ?

  10. hemant chhajed says:

    the said officers are best manipulator in forest department . please see the history of forest department…..

    • hemant chhajed says:

      the said ifs officers must book under maharastra public records act 2005 along with their punters. the punters are multimillionare now. please verify all things. the criminals are managing ex- information commissioner mr. ramanand tiwari who was a big manipulator in urban development from 1990. the big land scams coming into light due to these ifs peoples. they must hang till death in public along with their punters.

      • hemant chhajed says:

        all record of world bank was with mr. clean pant who never tried to evict encrochments in allapalli division during his tenure 1980-81.53 govt. quarters were occupied by private peoples. they broke down old buildings and constructed new buildings on that reserved forest,83, due to delay in action by these mr.clean pant and later on mr. non-corrupt of department we are loosing everything….

  11. Anna's chela says:

    Hello…why no new stories are coming on website ? We are with you. Some how we feel that you are losing your interest in publishing lots of wrong doing by these senior forest officers . I have been given to understand that a PIL is being filed in the high court in the matter appeared on this website. Is it true?

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