Corruption by holy-cows of Maharashtra cadre IFS :: Tiger Reserves & National parks used for non-forestry purpose for misappropriation of large sums of money by these IFS officers. It’s like raping a girl in the police station by police men. DC PANT PCCF W/L misled the Legislature while anwering a calling attention motion on the subject::Exemplary punishment required:

07.07.2011 · Posted in All

In a blatant violation of provisions of :

  • Forest Conservation Act, 1980
  • NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority) guidelines (WLP Act 1972),
  • Maharashtra Treasury Rules, 1968,
  • Bombay Forest Manual & various Government resolutions,
  • Chief Wildlife Warden’s standing instructions
  1. Nand Kishore IFS the then CCF Wild Life Nagpur,
  2. S.H. Patil, IFS the then Director , Tadoba National Park,
  3. Mohan Jha IFS the then Field Director Pench Tiger Reserve and
  4. Anil Saxena IFS (as reported by AG in it’s report, though CIM has not reached it’s finding on him as yet)

had misappropriated Government money to the tune of approx Rs  3 crores  with the help of one NGO viz. Gramapayogi Vigyan Kendra (Centre of science for villages), Duttpur, Wardha. When this story was broken by SP Thakare IFS, who took charge of Field Director Tadoba National Park from SH Patil, vide his letter dated 16-9-2009 addressed to Chief Conservator of Forest, W/L Nagpur and vide letter dated  11-2-2010 to  PCCF WL, instead  of taking action against guilty forest officers, cover up operation started . Dr Nand Kishore was CCF W/L Nagpur at that time.

Serious criminality and Financial Irregularities in Tadoba National Park :

As per documents available with CIM, in Tadoba National Park, entire money was drawn without any completion or in most of the cases start of  work.  Once this misappropriation was brought to the notice of Dr Nand Kishore by new Field Director of Tadoba , Sanjay Thakre,  Field Director was asked to get the job completed by the said Gramapayogi Vigyan Kendra after six months of the full payment made to them in the next financial year.  Thus it is case of misappropriation of government money and when theft was made public, they started completing the works of construction. Result: Whistle blower was transferred because of clout of these  holy cows.

Sanctioning of Project under gross violation of FC Act:

On 12-5-2008, the Field Director Tadoba had sent a continuous proposal of Rs 80 lacs to government through CCF WL Nagpur for Eco-tourism works. The close look of the same would reveal that these works include;

  • Canteen waiting room,
  • Construction of Holiday home and its beautification
  • Road constructions,
  • Boundary fencing
  • Souvenirs shop
  • Interpretation centre

None of these items can be made in the Tiger reserves without clearence under FC Act, as informed by Government of India.

Government of Maharashtra vide GR dated 2-3-2009 has sanctioned under the head “ Sanrakshit kshetrateel Nisarg Paryatan Vikas” for the financial year 2008-09

  • Rs 95 lacs  for Tadoba national Park.
  • Rs 1 crore 9 lacs for Pench Tiger Reserve
  • While sanctioning this financial provisions, Government Resolution was very categorical that under no condition there should be any breach of provisions of Forest Conservation Act. This was the only specific condition of GR dated 2-3-2009.

Government has accorded administrative sanction vide GR dated 4-2-2009 for construction of Holiday home and well furnished waiting room in Tiger –Andheri Tiger Reserve for the year 2008-09. This was also in gross violation of FC ACT and NTCA guidelines.

Siphoning of Government money against the established Laws, Rules & Regulations through  one NGO in active collaboration by these holy cows:

  1. Modus operandi of these Corrupt officials:
  • a)      Once financial and administrative sanction were obtained, these  IFS officers ( Dr Nand Kishore, Dr Mohan Jha, Anil Saxena &  S.H.Patil)  hatched a criminal conspiracy and without calling for open Tenders as required  under the financial rules and regulations; granted the job of construction to their favoured NGO,  “Centre for science for villages, Dattapur, Wardha”. It is very important to understand that whether it is Chandrapur, Bhandara or Nagpur district, there was only this NGO, who was allotted such huge works without calling tenders  and all these areas were under Nand Kishore.
  • b)      Though there are government of Maharashtra’s various GRs indicating that public tenders must be called, when job to be awarded on contract is of more than Rs 2 lacs. Even Forest department’s circular dated 11-2-1993 also categorically mentions for open tenders to be called, if value of contract is more than Rs 2 lacs; but these officials had not called any tender for the same and works of crores had been allotted to the said NGO for their personal shares.
  • c)      Very surprisingly, Field Directors have entered in an MOU on Rs 100/- stamp paper with Centre of Science for Villages, Dattapur-Wardha. One such MOU  dated 24-10-2008 is attached here.  Where from these officials have got this idea of entering into an MOU with very objectionable conditions, is not known to CIM.
  • d)     It seems these holy cows  had got the idea from a tribal department GR dated 30-7-2008, which is squarely applicable for Government of India’s Central Special assistance scheme for constructions of houses for tribals. But by no stretch of imagination this GR could be applicable in the case of Eco-tourism schemes of Government of Maharashtra.
  • e)      These holy cows have put a very strange condition in said MOU at 3, which reads as ,” Payment under Its MOU: Payment to the second party (read NGO) for the construction of work will be released by the First party ( read as Field Director) as an advance:- On signing the agreement  :  100% of the total cost.”
  • f)       Hence, against all provisions of financial rules, 100% payment was made to the NGO without any start of work.
  • g)      As per the condition of the said MOU, all the works were required to be completed by 21-3-2009.
  • h)      Holy cows ensured that there were no measurement books of these works  maintained  till whole episode was opened by Thakare.
  • i)        No work order was released to contractor, because to release the work order,  EMD of 1% and security of 2% deposit  were required from the contractor as per CCF WL MS circular dared 11-2-1993.
  • j)        While making payment , as per Government order 4% VAT was required to be deducted, if VAT was exempted, even then 2% VAT was required to be deducted, which was not done in any case for this NGO.
  • k)      While making payment to the contractor, as per government directives issued from time to time, Income tax @ 2%, Surcharge @ 10% and Education cess @ 3% were required to be deducted and deposited in the treasury.
  • l)        All these were reported by Thakare to Nand Kishore vide letter dated 16-9-2009  and  to  A.K.Joshi, the then PCCF wild life vide letter dated 11-02-2010.m)    No permission under Forest Conservation Act, 1980 was obtained at any place.

2.  Applicable Financial Rules in this case:

Rule 380 of Maharashtra Treasury Rules 1968 reads as follows:

  • a)      “Payments to suppliers & contractors:  Unless in any case the Government after consultation with the Accountant General directs otherwise, payments for all the works done other-wise than by daily labour and for all supplies shall be made on the basis of measurement recorded in the measurement books kept for the purpose. Claims for such payments shall be prepared as far as possible by the claimants themselves in authorized form of bills and vouchers and no payment other than an advance payment  may be authorized unless the correctness of claim in in respect of quantities and rates, as well as the qualities of the work done or supplies made have been accepted and all calculations carefully checked by a responsible officer.”

Rule 200 of Bombay Forest Manual Vol 1, chapter XIX reads as follows:

  • b)      No money should be withdrawn from the treasury unless it is required for the immediate payment. It is not permissible to draw advances from the treasury either for prosecution of works, completion of which is likely to take considerable time or to prevent of lapse of appropriation.”

Rule 202 of Bombay Forest Manual Vol 1, chapter XIX reads as  follows:

  • c)      All charges incurred must be paid and drawn at once and under no circumstances may they be allowed to stand over to be paid from the grant of another year. If possible, expenditure should  be postponed till the preparation of new budget has given an opportunity of making provision and till the sanction of that budget has supplied means. But on no accounts the charges be actually incurred in one year and thrown on the grants of another year”.
  • d)     Circular issued by Chief Conservator of Wild life MS, Nagpur dated 11-2-1993.

Thus there is no confusion on following points as far as Financial irregularities are concerned:

  • a)      No work of construction, which is more than Rs 2 lacs, can be given without inviting tenders.
  • b)      No payment can be made to the contractor until and unless measurement has been taken, recorded and verified.
  • c)      No payment can be made until and unless quality of the work done, is ascertained and verified by a responsible officer.
  • d)     Work order can not be issued until and unless 1% earnest deposit and 2% security deposit are taken from contractor .
  • e)      Payment can not be made until and unless 2% Income tax TDS, 4% VAT and 3% education cess are deducted from the paid amount.
  • f)       All charges incurred must be paid and drawn at once and under no circumstances may they be allowed to stand over to be paid from the grant of another year. And this can be done only when work has been completed in the same financial year.


Special celestial situation at HOFF office at Nagpur:

When all these extremely serious financial misappropriation was going on in Tadoba & Pench, a very unique celestial situation , which occurs once in a million year, occurred. HOFF- CS Joshi, PCCF WL-AK Joshi, CCF WL Nagpur-Nand Kishore & PCCF WL in pipeline-DC Pant, all these officers were  from the same small area of Uttarakhand state in India.  This was the Kavach & Kundal of Nand Kishore and he survived and instead of getting suspended, got promotion to the APCCF because of these four holy cows.

Criminal Conspiracy & Execution of ill-sanctioned work under gross violations of FOREST CONSERVATION ACT  1980 & NTCA guidelines:

  1. It can be seen that Government of India has very categorically informed vide letter dated 28-12-2010 that even for construction of Eco-Tourism complexes, even for Forest officers, permission is required under FC ACT 1980.
  2. Similarly, “NTCA of Government of India vide letter No. 10-32/2010-NTCA, dated 29-12-2010 has clarified that clearance is required under FC Act, 1980 for any non-forestry activity including th construction of Eco-tourism complexe and interpretation centre on forest land including the protected area. The provisions of the Act are applicable on the Forest officials as well”. This was informed by Government of India vide letter dated 4-4-2011.

Complaints and Cover up of this corruption:

Dear Readers. We will publish tommorow

  • roles  & culpability of CS Joshi, DC Pant, & AK Joshi in shielding the corrupts,
  • misleading the legislature,
  • Complaint sent by Speaker of assembly . No respect to even House. No reply for 3 months .
  • harrassing the whistle blower,
  • Line of required administrative action
  • Criminality in the whole episode,
  • Misleading and mis-informing to BJP President of Maharashtra and MLA Mr Sudhir Mungattiwar at more than one occassion.
  • How AG report was managed by paying bribe to auditors,  showing such a major financial irregularity to be a minor one.
  • How department is fooling Speaker of Maharashtra legislative assembly.

Kindly write your comments in objective manner.

19 Responses to “Corruption by holy-cows of Maharashtra cadre IFS :: Tiger Reserves & National parks used for non-forestry purpose for misappropriation of large sums of money by these IFS officers. It’s like raping a girl in the police station by police men. DC PANT PCCF W/L misled the Legislature while anwering a calling attention motion on the subject::Exemplary punishment required:”

  1. One of the PCCF says:

    Shame on us. It is not a question of misappropriation of government money, but it is violation of FC Act by such senior forest officers in such a blatant manner. They should be shown doors from the IFS association, and a very stron action should be recommended against them.
    I was knowing the case from hearsay. But I never thought it to be such manipulation. Joshi and Pant are responsible . Nand Kishore, why have you done so?

  2. Boss Van Bhavan Nagpur says:

    Horrible. Criminal action should be initiated against Joshis, Nand Kishore, Mohan Jha, SH patil. Story is absolutely to the point. I will read all the attachment tomorrow and will come up again with my comments. Shame on us .

  3. One of the CCF at nagpur says:

    We were knowing this story for long. Nandkishor saheb has manipulated entire thing since he was asst to HOFF and ex JS. Jha seems to be hit by payments of his flat. SH Patil is known for these type of corruption. But it has brought shame on the department. We must do some thing.

  4. IFS officer Nagpur says:

    It is testing time for Khetrapal Sir. Dr Nandkishor is his immediate subordinate. We expect a no non-sense report and suo-motto action from Khetrapal Sir.
    Taking into account his past…there should be bomb shell dropping on these corrupt holy cows, as has been said in story.
    We request from website to inform us every document of action in this matter herein after . I am sure GOI would also take cognisance of the matter.
    Any action by AK Joshi Sir is ruled out.

    • boss of bosses says:

      What are you expecting from Khetrapal, he is extremely selfish and shrewd person and he always acts only to benefit himself or to harass some helpless officers who can not harm him. He always maintains double standard.

  5. Another IFS officer Nagpur says:

    Yaar, today Principal Secretary was here in Nagpur. I wish you would have published this story earlier today.

  6. Ex APCCF Pune says:

    Every one in the department know that CS Joshi, DC Pant, AK Joshi , type of officers are detrimental to the growth of the department. They are mentally DFOs as some one has said in earlier post.
    Useless entities. Only keep writing in files. No vision for the department. Negative attitude to wards every thing. And they are worth 5 Rupees maximum.
    Just ask them what had they done for the department.

    Nand Kishore had certainly done grave financial irregularity. One NGO in three different divisions of same CCF W/L with similar style of functioning speak more than required. Hope Khetrapal would do some thing.

  7. Concerned IFS officer says:

    Boss, why do not you just work on Shree Bhagawan’s tenure at any place. It would open a can of worms.

  8. I do not know how to react. Really shameful for all of us. Foresters are violating FC ACT with impunity for their personal purpose and stopping all developmental works of other agencies. Really surprising and daring that works of this magnitude had been given to one NGO without tender. And top of the all 100% payment without works against all set norms of government.

  9. Why only 100% payment. Why not that there was no measurement book. No measurement recorded. No work order . No statutory deductions.
    Sir, what can be called as major financial irregulrities ? Can any one tell what was the share of distribution of this money amongst officers?

  10. Sir, what is this MOU type of contract ? can we give this type of contract ? If yes then under which Rule ? This way we can save money on advertisement.

  11. Coward anonymous says:

    Compared to what has been published earlier by the CIM, this sounds more like exposing a minor theft! The Holy Cows have a great apitite for gobbling corruption cases without even a burp and consigning them to realm of dark! NK was deliberately given additional charge of Personnel to do the cleanup besides settling scores! Just wait a while and the new Prin. Secy. ( Who, we hear, is close to Bhagwan ) will start moving to the tune of these COWS. This would soon be reflected in the postings of APCCFs / CCFs to be issued soon. All the COWs and livestock from the Gangetic plains and Himalays would be put around HOFF to continue the good work of shielding the corrupt sons of Gangetic soils! Someone has mentioned Bhagwan above! Just scrape the surface and rehabilitation story of TATR, which has been so meticulously gagged by the trioka of B. Majumdar and Holy Cows, would surface! Then, who remains clothed in the Hammam! Won’t someone introspect?

  12. We can use these explanation of PCCF as order, direction and clarification for all the future work contracts. This is very useful for everyone of us.
    Now we can allot works of more than 2 lacs without calling tenders. And give it to our friend NGO.

  13. SFS Officer says:

    Dear sir, nothing will happen against these holy cows.Because they know their age-old time tested formula. Never to start enquiry against one of your own kin, even if directed by a Secretary or Minister.Nandkishor is past master of this game, because of his long stint in Mantralaya.In fact he was the man, who spoiled carrers of many IFS and SFS officers, who did not toe his line. In fact the whole group works in perfect co-ordination like a pack of wild dogs to spoil the career of concrned, TARGET. GOD bless S.P. Thakre, because these fellows must have initiated at least half a dozen attack on him in the form of C.R, CHARGESHEET, TRANSFER, REPORT to Govt.etc.Only criminal action against them will be deterrent for these guys.

  14. SSN Rao says:

    Why some officers are relying on Khetrapal that he will do some thing in this matter. Have you all forgotten that when he was transferred from Boriville to FDCM, he fell sick for 10 months and the moment he got Nagpur territorial , with Jadu Kee JHHADHI , he became all right and medical fit immediately after Nagpur order was issued. He is no different from this corrupt lot. You would see him in this case only.

    Since it is an era of RTI and this website is functioning fearlessly, objectively and without IFS/SFS bias , hence we can expect some results in this case.

    Probem , which I see is little different. Problem is how AK Joshi would change his report, which he had already made to the government saving Nand Kishore and informing Government that nothing had happened in this case.

  15. These are violations MADE IN UK(UTTARA KHAND).In fact these incompetant people are surviving at cost of other NON GROUP members.Initialy they were supported by JN Saxena then Nandkishor in the Mantralaya and in the later period by Mangrulkar. Hence the conclusion drawn by some readers of extraneous factors like caste etc can not be ruled out.

  16. Not coward IFS officer, nagpur says:

    Yaar…where is the second part of story. you promised to publish it next day. So many people are getting fever here. Today many subordinates would get bashing from these holy cows, kahin to gussa uttarenge .

  17. Ex CCF NAGPUR says:

    Why Mr. A.K. Joshi, HoFF is not being exposed for his inefficiuency for tackling corruption in the department. What is use being honest & protecting corrupt officials in the department.

  18. hemant chhajed says:

    i already demanded inquiry in this matter on0 2nd august 2011.

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