Great Forest Loot by IFS officers::: Every method being adopted to hush up the inquiry ordered by Government::: Government finds HOFF, APCCF and CCF Nagpur wanting in their jobs and wants action against them: EVERY IFS OFFICER OF MAHARASHTRA CADRE MUST READ ENTIRE RESEARCHED REPORT::
Very recently, news of a major Forest Robbery by Forest officers involving some IFS officers appeared in the Times of India under caption “The Great Tree Robbery”. Since it was a very technical theft and a very serious case of misappropriation of Government money by some very smart IFS officers, CIM had decided to investigate the matter. Following is the interim outcome of investigation:
Government of Maharashtra vide R&FD GR dated 29-9-2011 issued instruction for effective implementation of working plan prescription of approved working plan. In this regard, T .K. Chaubey IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests, Working Plan , Nagpur ( Secretary to Government of Maharashtra level officer ) has inspected some working plan operations in various division of Nagpur Circle.
- On his inspection report, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Additional Chief Secretary level officer) vide office note dated 25th may 2012 has informed Principal Secretary (Forests), Government of Maharashtra as follows:
- “That he is not surprised regarding findings of report of CCF (WP), but they are serious. It reveals gross violation of working plan prescriptions resulting in infructuous expenditure. At some sites, the expenditure has been charged without doing actual works on the field.
- CBO works have not been carried out in the coupes at all and a huge amount has been charged, which is very serious financial irregularity and amounts to misappropriation of government money.
- In the name of CBO, cleaning and dressing of old stumps have been recorded in the measurement book and that too has not been carried out at all. A falsified and fabricated M.B. has been maintained.
- Under the NR operation cleaning-tending, cleaning of old stumps, cutting of climbers have been recorded in the measurement book. But the same have not been found to be done in the field at all and a huge amount has been charged for the same.
- Tending under Natural Regeneration (NR) should be done in those areas, which have at least 400 seed based natural seedlings per ha and it should be done just after rains and not in the month of January.
- Finally, PCCF, SK Khetrapal IFS has mentioned that such serious irregularities in implementation of working plan may be going on in other circles as well, which needs to be inspected by concerned CCF (T) immediately. In this regard he has requested Principal Secretary (Forests) to issue instructions to HOFF (Head of the Forest Force), AK Joshi IFS to issue necessary directions to CCFs (T) to inspect all operations of NR, AR immediately.
- On 31-5-2012 PCCF (P&M) has issued instructions to CCF (T) Nagpur to constitute a committee to inspect all such serious irregularities and misappropriation. He further directed that TK Chaubey, CCF WP , who has unearthed this scam, be made a member of committee. He further directed that committee must submit its report within a week.
- That on 1-6-2012, PCCF has written a DO letter to SG Temburnikar IFS, CCF (T) Nagpur that even after so many letters and reminders , why has he not submitted any report.
- That on on 7-6-2012, Khetrapal IFS, PCCF has issued a memo to SG Temburnikar IFS CCF (T) Nagpur that his inaction would be reported to the Government, if compliance of his earlier letters is not done by 11 AM on 11-6-2012.
- And finally on 8-6-2012, PCCF, Khetrapal has reported the matter to the Government that Temburnikar has not inspected the financial and technical irregularities, which he was directed to inspect personally. The detail complaint can be read in this letter dated 8-6-2012. ( CIM recommends that every IFS officer must read this letter and letter of CCF WP dated 21-7-2012 for technical recall and upgrade).
After PCCF letter, Government of Maharashtra under the signature of Praveen Pardeshi IAS, Principal Secretary has written a very strong letter dated 23-8-2012 to HOFF, AK Joshi. The salient point of the letter is as follows:
- Huge amount appears to have been misappropriated by making false entries in the measurement books.
- Works have not been inspected by senior officers.
- Reports indicates occurrence of this practice in other circles also.
- Why only CCF WP could detect these very serious technical and financial bunglings and why not other senior officers including CCF (T) Nagpur, controlling APCCF, and HOFF for showing laxity.
- Government compliments TK Chaubey IFS for his remarkable job.
- Pardeshi directed HOFF as follows:
- He should personally verify the facts, initiate/propose disciplinary action against the erring officials.
- He should clarify that why such gross irregularities could only be detected by CCF WP and not by other controlling officers.
- He should incorporate in his report the dereliction if any, on the part of the senior officers who were supposed to inspect the ongoing works as per the prescribed norms.
The Principal Secretary (Forests) has written a DO letter dated 23-8-2012 to TK Chaubey louding his efforts and complementing him for his job. But along with this Government wanted Chaubey to send a report with specific comments on inspection norms of PCCFs and APCCFs. Chaubey was further asked to inform Government specific comments on impact of tours of PCCFs & APCCFs in term of achieving quality works. It is really shame that by not taking any action in this matter and clear shielding the corrupts, HOFF has lost confidence of the Government as it his job to recommend these administro-techno advices to the Government. By not including CCF WP in the Inquiry committee even after advice by PCCF (P&M), HOFF has shown that he wanted to save the corrupts IFS officers sitting in his office & field. By his inaction in the case, he made it very clear that there would not be any inquiry till rains come and all field evidences are destroyed.
- On 16-6-2012 HOFF has constituted a committee comprising of ASK Sinha, APCCF (Chairman) , Sribhagawan, APCCF (Member) and PD Masram, DFO , Nagpur as Member Secretary. TK Chaubey, who has unearthed this scam has not been made member of the committee even after recommendation of PCCF. He was only asked to assist the committee but he can not write anything in enquiry report. It means that either HOFF has lost confidence in TK Chaubey and inquiring against him OR there was a deliberate attempt to hush up the matter.
- CIM is waiting for the inspection report of this committee, which has been constituted to hush up the matter since it has one of the member , who himself is kingpin of the scam.
- On 15-05-2012 some of the working plan activities in Kuhi Range of Nagpur Forest Division, which were so called carried out during the year 2011-12 along with officials of concerned Forest divisions. It was found by him that CBO ( Cut Back Operation) work in the Forest coupe have not been done but the money for the same has been charged. CCF WP has reported this matter to CCF (T) Nagpur to take immediate action in the matter by his letter dated 16-5-2012.
- On 22-5-2012 area of Arjuni Moagaon in Gondia Forest Division was also inspected by CCF (WP). There a;lso it has been found that though money has been charged for CBO, cleaning etc but no job had been done . Thus the government money has clearly been misappropriated. CCF (WP) has immediately informed CCF (T) Nagpur vide its letter dated 23-5-2012 in detail of both financial as well as technical irregularities for taking suitable action in the matter.
- CCF (WP) vide letter dated 29-5-2012 has informed CCF (T) that DCF Gondia has not inspected the irregularities of such serious nature by himself but has tried to get it inspected by ACF and RFO. He informed to CCF (T) Nagpur that as per as per confidential direction of PCCF (P&M) dated 25-5-2012 he should take action against guilty. But no action has been initiated by CCF(T) Nagpur.
- The PCCF (P&M) has directed CCF(T) vide letter dated 31-5-2012 to constitute a team at his level to inspect Natural regeneration, CBO, Cleaning and Artificial Regeneration in Nagpur Forest circle before rain starts. CCF WP , T.K.Chaubey IFS has reminded S.G Temburnikar IFS , CCF (T) Nagpur vide letter dated 4-6-2011 to immediately constitute inspection team, which would constitute T.K. Chaubey IFS CCF WP, at his level as per direction issued by PCCF since rains are fast approaching.
- CCF (WP) has inspected Forest works in Pawani, Lejhendri, Jamkandri ranges in Bhandara forest division. And as usual , no work has been carried out in the forest but money has been charged by making false vouchers. CCF (WP) has informed CCF (T) Nagpur through a detailed coupe wise report dated 7-6-2012. He has also informed to initiate action in the matter.
There are both direct and sure indirect loss of due to non-implementation of working plan prescriptions. These officers are guilty of both direct misappropriation and embezzlement of Government money as well as because of non implementation of technical operation like CBO, Cleaning etc future crop of Forests would be hit very severely. Like 2G and coal scams this is also a fit case of presumptive loss, which office of the HOFF must quantify and recover from the guilty.
- Who in the HOFF office has given funds for CBO and cleaning to be done in the month of January, when it is known to every forest officer that CBO and cleaning is done just after rains ?
- Was this officer not aware of that this money would be embezzled only since january is not a month for this job ? Is there any other oblique motive in distributing the funds for such activities ?
- Why HOFF did not inquire AR, NR & CBO etc activities in other circles also till now ?
- Why TK Chaubey was not included in the enquiry committee after recommendation of PCCF to HOFF ?
- Whether is it correct to include APCCF (Budget & Development) in the enquiry committee, when he himself is party in distributing the funds ?
- Why even after repeated instructions by PCCF, CCF (T) Nagpur did not inquire the case of misappropriation ?
- What was controlling APCCF doing, when this incident happened ?
- This time disciplinary action in the case must be started against senior IFS officers, who are involved in this case directly and indirectly specially DCF, CCF, APCCF . HOFF should ensure that enquiry report should not stop its finding at the level of RFOs , Foresters and Forest guards.
- Criminal case under section 7 & 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 must be booked against guilty officers including CCF & APCCF as they are equally culpable in this case.
- Cases should be booked under section 409, 418, 420, 120 & 120 B of Indian Penal code against guilty officers.
Hats off to you hero. You can take bulls by horn. This time you have really done something which really is important. Maharashtra Forestry sector is on a cross road. It is a headless organisation as far as IFS is concerned.
We all know that all those who have worked with Mr. Pardeshi in Amaravati , are enjoying in state. Mohan Jha, Jarnail singh, Sribhagwan etc are immune to any action by Government. Lets see what action HOFF takes in the matter.
This is really bad that Government wants CCF WP to comment on usefullness of APCCFs’ and PCCFs’ tours. But fault is ours. We must take strong action against guilty. I know that PIL filed by PEAG in case of Symbiosis Institute , Pune is going to bring lots of troubles to our officers. We must get ready to take new PIL meaningfully.
I do not know when these chors would be caught. We have to pay percentage to get grants from the office of the HOFF. Secretary saheb, kindly find out from your sources that whether I am right or not. Only those DCFs get money in lucrative heads who are ready to pay percentage to HOFF office (to APCCF).
In earlier story, AK Joshi has written following comment:
“Hai, why you all after me blaming for no reason, I am a honest forest officer and working with due sincerity. Action against any individual will be taken, only after submitting a proper documents in support of it.”
Now…. have you understood Alok, why so much criticism of yours ? Take action against guilty whether they are office bearer of IFS association or a simple IFS officer.
It is really shameful for us that APCCF PCCF and CCF are not going in field. They do not inspect interiors of forests. Inspection area are mostly patches, which are motorable. Most of the officers go to forest only for free lunch.
This whole scam shows the rot, which has set in our system. It looks that PEAG’s approach to judiciary would really work and is a welcome way against strong gang of corrupts.
We are three IFS officers of the same views. Identity we are not disclosing for obvious reasons. Look here … President of IFS association, earlier Secretary IFS association . They all are involved in this scam. Some other executive members of IFS association, if you just analyse , are involved in this treegate. HOFF can not do anything without APCCF Budget. He is dependent upon him . In Government , Joint Secretaries can not take fight with this APCCF. Even they know who is close to PS.
Out come of this Inquiry would be some action against lower rank officials or a retired IFS officer.
WONDERFUL… We now appreciate that this website has left Rajendra Mangarulkar and targeted other big fishes in this muddy water.
Thank you CIM to remind me these operations like CBO, etc. I also agree that it is high time to take some corrective measures in IFS. I suggest that a proper Inquiry committee should be constituted with Chaubey as one of the member as suggested by Khetrapal Sir. Let them properly investigate for administrative action and as suggested by CIM , a criminal case must be lodged for further criminal action.
I am an environmentalist and a regular reader of CIM website. I have gone through this report as well as successive reports appeared in various news papers. Chaubey ji has done very courageous job to bring this scam out against his own colleagues. Abhinandan. But I can not understand when there are so many evidences till now why no action has been initiated against guilty ? Who is shielding whom can be found out if police investigation starts in the matter.
It is a matter of concern for civil Society that in case of serious murders, firing by Police on poor unarmed villagers in Bengal, a magisterial inquiry is ordered. An SDM completes the inquiry and his version is taken very seriously . In case of such incident where humanity is shaken an inquiry by District magistrate is conducted . And such inquiry report are acted upon by the Government. But in Forest department , as mentioned in the this article, inquiry was conducted by a Secretary level officer and reported to the Government by Additional Chief Secretary level officer. But instead of immediately acting on the report, another inquiry on the report of ACS level officer has been constituted. Why ? And what for ? If Government has doubts on these two officers then they should act against them, otherwise immediately place prima facie guilty officers under suspension.
It is also strange that when preliminary inquiry by such high level officers found some officers guilty even of misappropriation then why these guilty officers are not suspended till inquiry is completed ?
I fully agree that this case is not only fit for prosecution but a very fit case for major penalty under disciplinary rules.
Van Bhavan Nagpur Choro kaa adda hai. A centre for commission khori.
No plantation in nagpur circle is successful. They replant only those areas where already plants are there ?
I suggest CIM to call for reports from Evaluation wing of Forest Department in Nagpur. Those would be eye-opener for every one. I further suggest that no one will take any action. Even if charge sheet is issued they will go to minister and get himself a clean chit from him by paying lacs of rupees. There are examples of Naqvi, Tasneem , Thosare, Choudhari, and so on. I endorse CIM that kindly file police complaints in the matter.
I AM amused! What are we commenting on? A minor indiscretion? We have forest resources up for grabs now that Foresters have ceded their professional space to a Babu-NGO combine! I wish that CIM does some ground work on forest management. Working Plans are used for all sorts of illegal activities – the instant case being just the tip of the iceberg! The most awful example is the felling by FDCM in the newly notified sanctuary! The FD permits tribals to be exploited by dubious NGOs in the name of FRA. It also fritters away precious resources on duboius schemes ( read CAMPA & 13th Fin Com ). The Evaluation wing does nothing without extracting its pound of flash!
Is anyone aware of the scams taking place in the forest diversions? The respected MD FDCM was continued as APCCF FC Act even after his promotion! WHY?
And will someone take a note of the ongoing Tendu Scam?
And where is the produce felled? The Wild Life Wing does anything except wildlife management. It bulk purcheses and sells books published by Bittus of this world for which its officers are even rewarded by the publisher! It proomotes ecotourism by doling out forest resorts to proxy committees with a contractor behind! It violates FC Act ( as reported by CIM ) with impunity and gets away scot free! It creates PAs mindlessly in Naxal affected areas. Its village re-settlements raise eyebrows.
The CIM should stop acting like Kejriwal! It should start sweeping the forestry sector with a fine broom and peruse all activities under the Working Plans with a fine magnifying glass in hand.
Individuals do not matter. They are only a power bloc. The present HOFF is presiding over a coalition administration, with the reigns of power in the hands of power bloc. So do not blame individuals friends.
I wish that the Government / CS take a serious note of this sector before the various scams waiting to implode in forests singe the Government.
Tomorrow would be Monday when many IFS dead bodies would come to Van Bhavan. They would not be talking to each other, would be carrying a serious and hard look on their faces. They will discuss what this CIM is doing. Izzat of IFS is going down. Some serious dead bodies from IFS will assemble in chamber of their leader and discuss what should we do. CIM is attacking IFS Association through this site.
Abe Murdon, ab to jag jao. CIM sabkee theek karega. I suggest every like minded non dead bodies to approach CIM for these rots.
Sir when are you joining back ?
What so special in this story. Every one of us knows that we are not following working plan . Is this a fit case to attack association ?
It seems we have become used to for these types of scams or irregularities. HOD/PS could not get CCF Thane transferred. At least some one is doing it. These very simple but logical reports are very useful . Govt Pleader has informed me that PEAG PIL is listed tomorrow for hearing and direction. Hope for some improvement.
It is really strange that even after such great expose by Times of India , this matter has been taken very lightly. Now this report in CIM is what person like me needs to file PIL in Nagpur. Thank you so much. I will file PIL in this matter through our organisation. This is a matter very seriously concerning Environment.
I am from Jharkhand, In our state also Forest officers are doing chori. But no one exposes them. My father tells me that Forest officers are basically chor. Rangers are big chors. Though I could not understand this story, but what I could gather is there is some chori by IFS officers.
Now Mr Khetarpal is writing big reports and asking for actions against the responsibles. What Mr. Khatarpal did when he was holding charges of Nagpur and Nashik circles ? Always protected and encouraged his corrupt subordinates. He never cooperated with the working plan officers, rather always tried to humiliate the WPOs. A detailed inquiry is required, before he retires, to bring out his mischiefs during his tenures as territorial CCF. During his tenure all types of violations were going on and he was least bothered.
Another point is from where the corrupt forest officers right from the forest guards to the pccfs will bring money to pay to the authorities for their postings of choice ? If the govt. really wants (I am sure that it doesn’t want) to stop corruption, transfer and postings industry should be shutdown. There are very good officers who can do wonderful jobs provided they can get a chance in this corrupt system of transfer and postings. Everybody knows that the head of this venomous snake (corruption) is in MANTRALAYA, but who will crush it ?